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Vue3 - 專案建立與響應式資料

Create a Vue3 project

  1. Run the code below in the terminal:
npm create vue@latest
  1. cd into the project path, run the instruction below:
npm install
  1. Type npm run dev, you can now see the vue3 website run on the browser.


Vue3 has the powerful syntax - composition api, it's very different with the options api of Vue2, but you still can write options api in Vue3 (not recommend).

composition api
<script setup>
<!-- put all your methods and variables here -->

<!-- the HTML structure -->

<style scoped>
<!-- css style, use `scope` let the css command only work in this component ​ -->

Text Interpolation

In the template, if there have a variable you want to render, use {{...}}, like below:

<span>Message: {{ msg }}</span>


If your variable contains HTML content, you should not use {{...}} since it will treat the variable's content as plain text.
Instead, you should use the v-html directive to insert HTML content:

<!-- rawHtml = <span style="color: red">This should be red.</span> -->
<p>Using v-html directive: <span v-html="rawHtml"></span></p>

Attribute Bindings

If you want to binding a variable on the attribute, use v-bind. For example:

<h1 v-bind:class="{addColor: changed}">I will change my color</h1>

Here means: when changed is true, this <h1> will add a class name addColor.
You can use a shorthand for v-bind as shown below:

<h1 :class="{addColor: changed}">I will change my color</h1>

There are many directives in Vue. For example:

  1. v-for: This is a loop used to create multiple elements.
  2. v-if or v-show: These are used to conditionally display elements.
  3. v-on: This is used to bind an event handler.

Reactivity Fundamentals

Reactivity is a crucial concept in Vue.
We use useState to manage reactive data in React. However, in Vue3, it use ref, reactive and computed for this purpose.


It can store any type of data.
However, when storing objects or arrays that require reactive properties, reactive is often preferred.

Note that when accessing the value of a ref in <script setup>, you should append .value to it.
However, in <template>, you can directly use {{ref}} to access the value without .value.

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const num = ref(0)
const changeNum = () => num.value += 1

<h1>{{ num }}</h1>
{/* these two lines of code do the same thing */}
<button @click="changeNum">Add one</button>
<button @click="num++">Add one</button>

Please use const to declare a ref. Do not use let or var!


When accessing properties of a reactive object, unlike with ref, there's no need to append .value.

<script setup>
import { reactive } from 'vue';
const people2 = reactive({
name: 'Jeremy',
gender: 'Male',
age: 20

const changePeople2 = () => { = 'Lucy'
console.log('people2 changed')

<h1>{{ }} / {{ people2.gender }}</h1>
<button @click="changePeople2">Change!</button>

Difference between ref and reactive

Not just if you need to append .value or not.
When a ref is used to store an object, deep changes within the object's properties might not be detected by watch, as ref is primarily designed to track direct assignments to its value.
In contrast, an object made reactive with reactive can more effectively track changes to its internal properties.

But, if you add the third parameter deep: true when using watch to observe a ref object, watch will be able to detect changes within the properties of the ref object. This is because adding deep: true enables watch to perform deep observation.

watch(people1, () => {
console.log('something changed')
}, {deep : true})


In Vue, computed is a method used to define reactive properties that can be computed.
Computed properties automatically recalculate their value when the data they depend on changes.
This is particularly useful for complex logic that needs to update automatically based on certain data.

Before use computed
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const num1 = ref(1)
const num2 = ref(2)

<h1>Num1: {{ num1 }}</h1>
<h1>Num2: {{ num2 }}</h1>
<h1>Num1 + Num2 = {{ num1 + num2 }}</h1>
After use computed
<script setup>
import { ref, computed } from 'vue';
const num1 = ref(1)
const num2 = ref(2)

const numPlus = computed(()=>{
return num1.value + num2.value

<h1>Num1: {{ num1 }}</h1>
<h1>Num2: {{ num2 }}</h1>
<h1>Num1 + Num2 = {{ numPlus }}</h1>

You can see after we use computed, we put all the logic into <script setup>.


Difference between method and computed

  1. computed only works when the reactive data changes.
  2. You cannot pass any parameters to computed.
  3. By default, computed only has a getter.


  1. Vue.js
  2. Vue3 + Vite 快速上手 Get Startrd EP1 - 初探 Vite 專案 / Vue3 初學者應該要先知道的東西 / 剛開始寫 Composition API 會犯的錯誤 !
  3. Vue3 + Vite 快速上手 Get Startrd EP2 - 定義資料 ref、reactive、computed 深度探討